Tuesday 10 February 2015

February Focuses

Here are my February focuses!

1. To do SEALfit workouts consistently
2. To run 100km in February
3. Save to $1000
4. To do a cumulative half marathon on the rower
5. Bake once a week

So how am I doing so far?

I'm doing well with the SEALfit workouts. I missed the Saturday one, but did it on Monday as well as Monday's workout. So now I'm up to date.

I'm more or less on track with running. I often do more on the weekends, so it's hard to say right now, but I was right on target at the end of last weekend.

My saving is going pretty well. OF course, I was already partly there as I was saving a bit as I was paying off my debt. I want to save plenty this year so that next year I can do the World's Toughest Mudder.

I'm on track (actually, I'm ahead) on the rower. I'm not including any rowing done as part of the SEALfit workout in this total (and running in SEALfit doesn't count towards my running total), but even so I'm already over 8km, which is awesome!

Baking, not so much. I set aside Saturday as a good day to bake, but unfortunately Saturday was boiling, and so there was no way that I was going to be turning on the oven. I have however planned a few cakes to bake, and now this includes a raw food cake that will be frozen rather than baked so if the same thing happens this weekend I can still "bake" - and even more importantly, EAT the delicious cake!

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