Sunday 15 March 2015

Bellarine Rail Trail Run

Today I took part in the Bellarine Rail Trail run, a 17km run "against" a steam train, with a free train ride or shuttle bus (depending on the time) back to the starting point.

It's my first 17km, so it'd be an automatic PB.  Given that I ran the Spartan last week, and I managed to completely smash myself with my workouts this week, I figured I'd go easy and not push.  Just go the distance, you know?

At a little past 12km a man just ahead of me had a heart attack.  I have CPR training, so I joined the CPR line.  There was a ambulance officer, anestist, and a nurse (all off duty) who were doing the run who were able to offer more detailed first aid and help everyone who didn't know CPR perform it in an effective manner.

The ambulance came and they were able to restore a heart beat.  Everyone who helped was then offered to leave to race or continue, as they chose.  I continued.

So that was an eventful day!  Very thankful that the guy is okay, and that I was able to help!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

February Focuses Review

Sorry that it's been a while since I reviewed how I did with meeting my February goals and focuses.  Here they are:

1. To do SEALfit workouts consistently
2. To run 100km in February
3. Save to $1000
4. To do a cumulative half marathon on the rower
5. Bake once a week

I did the Sealfit workouts fairly well for the first three weeks, and then we had assessment at work, and then I just didn't.  Which isn't really okay, and I'm going to be getting back into it ASAP.

Running - I ran a little over 97km in February.  Which was a tiny bit short of my goal, but all in all pretty good.

I met the savings and the cumulative half marathon on the rower.  The rowing target was really easy to meet, and I'm aiming to do more in my March goals.

The baking mostly didn't happen.  February was just too hot.  I baked once in February, and on the 1st of March.  Both were delicious.  I mean to continue to bake more often.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Spartan Super

So today I did my first ever Spartan, a Spartan Super! I did pretty well, and am fairly happy with my results. I finished in a little under 3 hours (I'm waiting on the official race times).  I failed 3 obstacles, so had to do 90 burpees.  I failed the spear throw, the traverse wall, and the wall ball.

All in all, I did pretty well.  I know the things that I want to work on in order to improve:
- Running times and consistency.  And being ready to run after doing an obstacle
- Burpee times
- Rucking in order to improve my times on the different carries
- The spear throw
- Continue to develop my upper body strength
- Including some rock climbing skills

I did well on a lot of the upper body style obstacles, which is a good sign.  I've worked a lot on developing this, and it's great to see that this has paid off.  I did well on the monkey bars, the rope climb (and I've never climbed a rope before, none of the gyms I've been a member of have had them), and even on the rope traverse.

You might remember that running all three Spartan races this year.  So now I've done my first one!

And here's my favourite photo of the ones that Dad took of me! (Official photos yet to come)

Monday 2 March 2015

River Run

On Sunday the 22nd I competed in the River Run which raises money for SIDS research. I competed in the 10km run.

I ran the race in 1:00:00 (I know, right!) which is 3 seconds more than my PB for a 10km. It was also very hot and humid on this day, so that made things a bit more interesting. I didn't do as well as I had hoped (I'm hoping to get to 57mins by the end of this year) but given the weather and the general state of my health I did pretty well.

Here are some of the photos!