Wednesday 11 March 2015

February Focuses Review

Sorry that it's been a while since I reviewed how I did with meeting my February goals and focuses.  Here they are:

1. To do SEALfit workouts consistently
2. To run 100km in February
3. Save to $1000
4. To do a cumulative half marathon on the rower
5. Bake once a week

I did the Sealfit workouts fairly well for the first three weeks, and then we had assessment at work, and then I just didn't.  Which isn't really okay, and I'm going to be getting back into it ASAP.

Running - I ran a little over 97km in February.  Which was a tiny bit short of my goal, but all in all pretty good.

I met the savings and the cumulative half marathon on the rower.  The rowing target was really easy to meet, and I'm aiming to do more in my March goals.

The baking mostly didn't happen.  February was just too hot.  I baked once in February, and on the 1st of March.  Both were delicious.  I mean to continue to bake more often.

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