Wednesday 6 May 2015

Angel Voice

This is less of an exercise post than most posts, but it has applications to sports.

I go to church most weeks.  Every week, at LEAST one person tells me that I have an amazing voice, that I "sing like an angel" and that I should be leading the worship.  Most weeks people STOP ME in THE MIDDLE OF WORSHIP to tell me that I sing like an angel.  Last week I was stopped by one person FOUR TIMES in worship because I sing so beautifully.

They then usually tell me that this is an amazing gift from God (which is why I should be at the front singing).

This always makes me really angry.  For a lot of reasons.  Aside from the rudeness of being interrupted in the middle of worship, and the fact that they probably don't know what an angel sounds like (I'm always tempted to tell them that the angel suffered a little when I took the voice off of them).  Also, I know that while I'm good, I'm not THAT good.

But really what annoys me is that they assume that it's all natural.  That I didn't do any work to have the voice I have.  Which is completely not the case.  I took private singing lessons for 5 years then was a member of a national level children's choir for another 7 years, including touring nationally and internationally.  I've put a LOT of hours into improving my voice.  It is NOT something I was just born with.

I get it occasionally with exercise.  As soon as people find out that I run they assume that I'm good at it and that I've always been good at it.  Again, that's a long way from the truth.  I work darn hard to be as good as I am at running, weights, and other exercise.

It's not natural.  It's hard work.

Saturday 2 May 2015

May Goals

For May I'm doing something different.  Instead of having general month long goals, I've worked out a schedule and will be aiming to follow that.

I've included speedwork (which I hate), have made my long runs longer, and have schedule a day for only active recovery (Monday) and one day as a complete rest day (Thursday, where I'll just do foam rolling in front of the TV).

I'll be doing one legs session, one upper body session and one abs session a week, and 2 PT sessions, and a few sessions of Bikram (3 scheduled most weeks).

My aim is to improve my running speed and endurance, especially in regards to racing.  I also want to minimise the aches and pains that I have so that I can continue to train hard for long into the future.

April Goals

So how did I do with my April goals?  Mostly pretty well!

They were:
1. Run 135km
2. Successfully complete the Bikram challenge
3. Add in once weekly stair climbs
4. Row 30km
5. Save to $2000
6. Complete the Sealfit basic training in one month

1.  I did it!  Finished with 4.5km on the second last day!

2. I did it!  I had to do a lot of doubles, sprint from work to class nearly every day, but I did it!  And I've already spent my voucher (I got a long sleeve run tech shirt!)

3. I didn't do this AT ALL.  It's on my list for May

4. I did it!

5. I did it!

6. I did the first 3 weeks pretty much exactly on schedule.  And then I cracked mentally.  I couldn't face the workouts that I've done before and know are hard when I knew that I still don't have the strength to move on to the next level and would have to do it AGAIN and possibly AGAIN because I have no upper body strength.  In May I'm taking a break from Sealfit and doing some more traditional weights work.