Thursday 1 January 2015

January Focuses

On a "Sam is tough" note, I worked out why my elbow was sore. It was dislocated. Yes, I was walking around for 6 weeks with a dislocated elbow. And went to work with a dislocated elbow (I work in childcare, so that's not exactly the funnest thing to be doing with a dislocated elbow). And I spent 2 weeks being stubborn and kept on doing upper body work with a dislocated elbow.

I ended up just pulling it out and putting it back into place. It's still a little sore, but nothing like it was.

So I've previously posted my goals for 2015, but I thought I'd post about my January focuses.

I plan to run 100km over January. I ran a little over 11 today, so I'm well and truly on my way!

My other main goal is to complete a 30 day challenge at Bikram yoga. I was debating whether or not to do this, because Bikram takes a lot of time and limits the other working out that I can do. In the end I decided to go for it as I know my work schedule will allow for it, and it will force me not to do too much upper body work before my elbow strengthens itself (it's popped out another time at work, so I want to minimise that risk).

My other focuses are non-exercise. They are to declutter my room a little so that I can better focus on what I want now. I have a lot of materials that I bought a number of years ago in order to homeschool my kids. I haven't had the kids, and have since found out that I am infertile, so the materials are all unlikely to be used, especially the more specialised items, such as the Latin learning materials. It's been hard for me to get rid of them because it's letting go of the dream of having kids and raising them the way I want, but I know that these materials will be of more use if I get rid of them. It will also allow me to better focus on what is important to me now (predominantly exercise, art, writing, and my work).

My other goal is to finish paying my mum back for my uni degree (done in 2012). I just have $1000 left, so this is just about doable.

That's it! My January focuses!

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