Sunday 14 December 2014

Exercise Goals for 2015

I don't do resolutions. I find them really vague, and in my experience they're rarely kept beyond January. Think of all the people who want to "lose weight" in the New Year. How many of them actually have a diet plan, and exercise plan, or even a target weight goal.

Yeah, not that many. And so come February they're as fat (or smoking, or unfit, or poor) as ever before.

I also find that having one goal puts a lot of pressure on me. If you stuff up with one goal, you can be tempted to think that it's all over and there's no longer any point in trying. Which isn't true, but people (including me) tend to act on feelings rather than facts. So I have a variety of goal areas (exercise, diet, art, writing, work, financial, and other), all with at least one goal in there. (Actually, I don't have anything for diet yet. I eat pretty well, given that anything with gluten or dairy is immediately off the menu).

So here are my exercise goals for 2014!
1. To leg press 5* my body weight (250kg)
2. To run a 25 minute 5km (current PB: 27:51)
3. To run a 57 minute 10km (current PB: 59:56)
4. To run a 2:15 half marathon (current PB: 2:17:37)
5. To complete all three Spartan distances (sprint, super and beast)
6. To run 3 Tough Mudders
7. To do a short (sprint?) triathlon
8. To be able to do 20+ pullups in a row
9. To be able to do 20+ double unders

Notes on goals:
1. I currently press 160kg, and my original goal was 200, or 4* my body weight, but I've revised that goal when I made a bunch of massive improvements in a very short space of time.
2-4. These times don't seem MASSIVELY different from my PBs, so some may not think they're really challenging. However, all of my PBs are from 2013 - i.e. BEFORE I got sick with my current syncope. I am running slower at the moment. For example, a recent 10km I ran was 1:09:05. My most recent half marathon time was around 2:39:16, so that's a long way from my goal for next year. (Actually, my 5km time was only a second off my current PB, but it hurt a lot more than the PB did).
5-6. Travelling will be difficult, as I don't have any money saved, I have a small debt, and I'm aiming to actually have some savings by the end of the year (they're my financial goals). So I'm not 100% sure that these will both happen. Tough Mudder has changed the date of their Melbourne event which will make this more difficult as it would be easier to travel later in the year than earlier (i.e. it'll be easier to travel when I can pay for plane fares). But all the same I'm going to do all I can to move forwards in this goal too.

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