Thursday 18 December 2014

Foam Rolling

My arm is my second exercise injury. Both occurred in the second half of this year. It's not that surprising, I only started exercising September 2012, and I wasn't ABLE to push the way I can now. My first one occurred when I ran the Age Run Melbourne Half Marathon. I got a pain in my left heel, which lasted for about 5 weeks.

Like all runners I decided that I'd do some reading on it, especially as I extra, extra hate doctors.

The thing that helped the most with the heel was that I read an article that said that pain in the heel could be caused by tightness in the calf. I figured that I had nothing to lose by giving my calf a good foam rolling at the gym. So one Sunday, when I had about a two hour stay at the gym (due to the bus timetable), I gave both my calves a really good roll, especially the left one.

And it WAS tight. Really, really tight.

I hoped that it would make a bit of a difference, as it was hurting to walk.

Well, the next day it hurt to walk. But not because of my heel. My heel felt fine. But my calves - oh! They HURT! It was like having DOMS. And it lasted not only for that day, but the next one too.

And then it got better. And my heel was fine.

Anyone got any ideas on any spots to roll out for elbow pain?

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