Sunday 7 December 2014

On Being Me

It's time to start a (new) blog, to record my life as it is currently. I've blogged before, at a number of different blogs (including 3 concurrently), but none of them currently feel like "me", so I've dropped them. But I really like blogging, and I have a lot to say (even when no one listens - especially when no one listens!) so here I am once again.

At the moment, I'm an exercise fanatic. I run, lift weights, do Sealfit workouts, do Bikram yoga, and have personal training twice a week. I'm not especially strong or especially fast, but I'm very determined, and I won't quit unless I have to.

I've raised money for charities through my exercise, including World Vision and Canteen. I rode over 250km to raise funds to end children's cancer.

The interesting thing is, I'm actually pretty sick. I have a whole host of different diseases and conditions that impact the way I live my life every day. This includes taking medications, eating differently, the structuring of my exercise plan, and my morning routine - just to mention the obvious ones.

I have:
- Allergies ranging from mild to severe
- Coeliacs disease
- Asthma
- A polycystic ovary
- Poor bone density
- Lung damage
- Two (very minor) heart conditions (tachycardia, and a functional murmur)
- A metabolism issue (too fast)
- Severe syncope and corresponding pre and post syncope symptoms (syncope is fainting)

In the past I have had:
- Ovarian cancer, leading to the removal of one ovary and about 2/3 of my uterus
- Pneumonia
- Whooping cough (I was immunized, I still got it)

Plus the standard childhood illnesses and injuries.


This blog is about being sick, being tired, and doing it anyway

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